Eis que vimos a Sua estrela no Oriente e viemos homenageá-lo." Mt 2,2 (sobre os Reis-magos astrólogos)
"Eu (acredito em Astrologia porque) estudei o assunto, e o senhor não." Isaac Newton (a um crítico da Astrologia)

Disse uma sábia, fazendo eco a Newton, que "a Astrologia não é uma questão de crer, mas de conhecer" (Emma C. de Mascheville). E este se revela o único grande problema, ou seja: o de conhecê-la de fato, coisa dificultada ora pela sutileza de seus postulados, ora pelos desvios que sobre ela se acometem a partir disto. Mas nada disto desmente a sua importância histórica, que tem norteado os rumos das civilizações por milênios, sendo mesmo hoje respeitada sábios e presidentes.

Have You ever heard of the Kali Yuga "fallacy”?!

This was born from a great confusion between parallel concepts and lost knowledge about the different wheels of time (or kalachakras), and here we have the step-by-step guide to solving it. Confusions are like the old game of “Chinese whispers” where at the end of the line the initial message ends up completely modified. A transmission of information is generally influenced by the baggage of information (or lack thereof) of the person receiving it.

Of course, not everything happens in an absolutely innocent way. There is an intention in sects and religions to perpetuate things as they are, especially from a spiritual perspective, to the point of even creating completely fanciful calendars and chronologies for things.(1)

In this way, abstract or mysterious themes, related to jealously guarded secrets, naturally tend to suffer special deformations when a legitimate chain of transmission is broken.

So, follow the questions announced here in the Diagram below. And after this little exercise in applied cosmology, many new doors may open.

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1. The exotic Manvantara (or “Day of Brahma”) of 4,320,000 years (much publicized by the Hindu Vaishnavas) is only a veiled cycle that “does not exist” as such, since divided by the well-known esoteric Key of 360, it results in the “famous” cycle of 12 thousand years - and which, together with Pralaya (“Night of Brahma”), gives the complete Great Year of Plato. It is the largest circle of the Diagram with its “great Yugas” (“Ages of the World”). 

2. In addition, there was more than one cycle in Medieval India that used the language of the Yugas. The smaller cycle was similar to the current 5 thousand year old “World Drama” of the Brahma Kumaris School, which revived part of this knowledge in the 20th century. It also corresponds to the true Eastern concept of the “root race” of the theosophists (and thus demystifying another famous chronological “fallacy”). These are the smaller internal cir-cles of the Diagram, also with their “small Yugas”.

3. The death of Krishna, which is said to announce “the beginning of the current (great) Kali Yuga”, actually occurred at the end of the small Atlantean Kali Yuga, since avatars always come in this transition of complete cycles - see indication with arrow in the upper right corner of the Diagram.

4. We are currently concluding a new racial Kali Yuga, that of the Arya Race. It follows from this that an event analogous to that of Krishna is also announced to happen now with an avatar of a similar category, which is Kalki - see indication with arrow in the lower right corner of the Diagram. 

5. These two “small” Kali Yugas have been wrongly combined in the popular imagination under the assumption that they are the “Great Kali Yuga” (of that fantastical veiled Manvantara of 4,320,000 years), occupying all this time, when in fact many Yugas have passed since then, and both in the Great Wheel and in the Small Wheels, as can be seen in the Diagram. 

6. The true Kali Yuga of the greater Manvantara has not yet begun, and will only come in the middle of the Age of Aquarius - see also at the foot of the Great Wheel of the Diagram, through the intermediate band of the astrological Ages. 

7. Incidentally, the true moment of complete transitions receives the special name of “Diamond Age” (Vajra Yuga), a fact generally ignored in the dissemination of the world’s cycles, but also practiced to a certain extent by the Brahma Kumaris themselves mentioned. 

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If you have grasped these basic questions of cosmology, you are prepared to understand the true mysteries veiled by the profound symbolism of the Stanzas of Dzyan, as well as the reality of the racial and planetary cycles “veiled” by theosophical doctrines, including the arrival of the great Kumaras at the end of the previous round (Pralaya), as indicated by the arrow in the upper left corner of the Diagram, and their important analogies with the pre-sent moment of planetary transition.


1. Thus, there are those who imagine that they can stop time by merely inventing unreal chronologies that do not correspond to the facts, designed only to preserve the subjective feeling of a sacred childhood. However, it is necessary to awaken to reality after a certain time, otherwise mysticism can become escapism and alienation, and then advance to the greater Yogas that also empower the person within reality itself, as is the case of Agni Yoga.

From the work "The Philosophies of Time", Luís A. W. Salvi

To learn more

The Kali Yuga Record: Hits and Misses (in English)

About the Author

Luís A. W. Salvi (LAWS) has been studying the Ancient Mysteries for over 50 years. A specialist in the Philosophies of Time and Practical Esotericism, he also develops works in the areas of Perennialism, Deep Psychology, Esoteric Anthropology, Holistic Sociology and others. He has already published dozens of works through Agartha Publisher, in addition to maintaining the Agartha wTV Channel.

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