Few people still know that the Year 2025 is closely related to prophecies, and by this we are not only talking about the increasingly worrying predictions made by Modern Science for our increasingly critical times.
It turns out that no less than two important prophecies mark this Year of 2025, one of a more esoteric nature close to the new age culture, and another ancient one with a traditional religious background, although shrouded in mystery. Both are of great importance for the planet, basically involving the manifestation of spiritual Hierarchies, including the highest ones.
We can see that many prophecies have occurred during this generation - which can be explained in part by their diverse origins - and strictly speaking, they all have similar purposes. We can consider the repetition of these prophecies as opportunities for humanity to do its homework and learn to take charge of its own future, relating appropriately with the spiritual Hierarchies.
There is nothing more coherent then than the serpentine symbolism of this year of 2025 that appears through the Chinese calendar, since the serpent represents the most traditional symbol of initiation and often portrays the initiates themselves, through terms with Nagas and Pythonesses. The very worsening of times makes humanity more susceptible to accepting the renewing messages and making the necessary efforts that the Hierarchies may ask of it.
Also watch this video content on the Agartha wTV Channel
1. The Manifestation of the Hierarchy
Starting with the best-known prophecy - although also limited to limited circles, as sometimes happens, which does not take away its value - we have nothing less than the last prophecy about the Manifestation of the Hierarchy made by the one who came to be called the “Mother of the New Age”: Alice A. Bailey. It means that in her eyes - or before her Mentors' eyes - this would be the final date for the great event of the Return of the Masters to the face of the Earth - or perhaps one should say before the eyes of humanity, since the Masters are always on the planet and are simply not recognized.
Bailey went so far as to declare that all of her magnificent work should begin to be replaced from then on by the new Teachings that would emerge. This is an unusual behavior among authors, especially modern ones, evoking the noble attitude of a true prophet like Saint John the Baptist, as when he said to his audience when Jesus arrived: “He must increase, but I must decrease.” (John 3:30)
For students of his distinguished work, it is difficult to accept that a masterpiece of theosophical occultism like his “Treatise on Cosmic Fire” could from then on be considered somehow outdated - despite the fact that few students can say that they really understood it, used it or even studied it.
What wonderful things could then emerge to try to replace it?! Well, the simple fact that so few have taken advantage of this precious source of information already brings with it part of the answer. The arrival of a new esoteric didactic and more accessible information would already make a big difference in this case. Everything that was announced by Bailey to happen from this Date is perfectly consistent with this, namely: “Manifestation of the Hierarchy”, “Restoration of the Ancient Mysteries and Reopening of the true Schools of Initiation”. It is worth noting then that this fact ends up also converging with Helena P. Blavatsky's prediction of the emergence of a superior successor to hers to bring greater revelations about the Secret Doctrine of the Ages, from this turn of the Millennium.
In this way, supreme syntheses of wisdom have been truly presented to the world since then, and Blavatsky's greatest Work itself has been duly revised and rectified through a new “Secret Doctrine Revealed”, where all the profound keys to the mysteries announced by Blavatsky are finally unveiled, bringing revelations of a magnitude never imagined... After all, we are talking about the manifestation of a Divine Wisdom emanated directly by the Masters without intermediaries, through which the conditions for the restoration of Earthly Paradise can begin to be established.
We also know that the Date of 2025 represents a Council of the Hierarchy lasting 49 years - like a Mosaic “jubilee”. Bailey wrote in his work “The Externalization of the Hierarchy”:
“(…) at the great General Assembly of the Hierarchy - held as usual every century - in 2025 the date will in all probability be set for the first stage of the externalization of the Hierarchy.” (p. 531-2)
It turns out that this portal would actually be even larger because we are within the framework of the 4,900-year racial transition, as demonstrated by several traditional calendars, so this is indeed a Shambhala Council. It has been 5,217 years since Krishna died, so the solar avataric cycle and its transitions are all comple-te.
This type of Major Council is fully inclusive, because it brings together several centers: Humanity, Hierarchy and Shambhala, through the greatness of the 49, 490 and 4,900-year cycles. It is therefore the closing of a racial cycle, and considering the moment in question of a terminal race, through this the energies of the New Age and the New Round will also be activated in a special way. Therefore, this is the beginning of a true planetary transition...
Next, we will try to delve deeper into this issue, through the other great prophecy of the date.
Also see the recent video on this Channel, “The Illumination of Maitreya”.
2. The Arrival of Kalki Avatar
What does the prophetic year 2025 represent in the Cosmic Calendar?! The date 2025 means to the Hindus the same thing that 2012 meant to the Mayans: the opening of the Sixth Root Race, analogous to the Sixth Mayan Sun, within the anthropological cycles of five thousand years long known to humanity.
Unfortunately, these five thousand year cycles that were so important to the first societies of Mesoamerica (although forgotten in the last centuries of those Amerindian civilizations), were practically lost in Eastern culture, with only a few clues remaining here and there, such as in the records revealed in the Stanzas of Dzyan brought by Helena P. Blavatsky from the Kalachakra tantric literature, until a man named Dada Lekraj rescued part of this knowledge at the beginning of the 20th century, to found his school of Raja Yoga called Brahma Kumaris.
Let us now look at the parallel chronologies. According to ancient records, the Fifth Mesoamerican Sun began in 3113 BC in Teotihuakan, the great “City of the Gods”. Twelve years later (in 3102 BC) the death of Krishna ended the Atlantean Kali Yuga, inaugurating the Fifth Race, known as Arya - just as the Kalki Avatar is now expected to do in relation to the New Race. Renowned Indian scholars such as Dr. Jijith Nadumuri Ravi have stated that the important planetary conjunction that occurs at the beginning of this year, 2025, is the same one that occurred at the time of the so-called death of Krishna. This great planetary conjunction symbolizes the meeting of the Rishis or Seers in the Great Council of Shambhala to bless the arrival of the Avatar.
As a logical consequence, the new date is also related to the arrival of this New Avatar. Ethnologists from Mexican museums also stated at the time that the Mayan prophecy of 2012 referred only to the arrival of a great Prophet of God.
The arrival of solar Avatars such as Krishna and Kalki ends the dark Kali Yuga and opens the Krita Yuga or Golden Age, also called Satya Yuga or Age of Truth. For this reason, Kalki's Master, the immortal Parashurama, famous for other great ancient battles of Rama and Krishna, gave Kalki a sacred cry full of symbolism, like a true sword of spiritual liberation for his soul, so that he would always and only seek the Truth in an uncom-promising way. This sacred Decree reads:
“I was born where the wind blows
Free over the hills;
Those who
Want to imprison thought will not have me
Nor will they reap my arms
Their harvests of lies...”
This was therefore a mantra full of esoteric symbolism, apart from evoking Kalki's biographical realities. The wind refers to the winds of Aquarius of the emerging New Age, giving rise to the manifestation of the sacred Hill of Shambhala where Kalki was born according to Tradition, as demonstrated by the Egyptian myths of the Hill of Creation. The freedom of thought claimed also refers to New Age meditation techniques that employ the creative power of the higher mind. The mantra then concludes with an incisive condemnation of lies, as opposed to Truth, as a characteristic of ignorance and of the Kali Yuga itself of darkness that the Avatar is destined to end. All of this shaped Kalki's subconscious and shaped his thoughts and conduct over the years. From then on, Kalki's powerful sword of truth began to open all its paths one after another, just as it will renew the paths of humanity in the new Age of Truth that is expected. And this will always be Kalki's most famous weapon, among the eight he received from Vishnu, which is why other parallel representations also commonly show the sword of the Logos coming out of his mouth to express the Truth of God in its fullness.
And with all this, Kalki became a true champion of God's Truth for the world, the Supreme Messenger of Satya Yuga. So Kalki does not come to ask people to accept just a new doctrine; he comes to ask that they accept the Truth! His only purpose is to serve the Truth as an expression of the true God. As Jesus said, “You know the truth and the truth will set you free.” Only the Truth can truly empower and liberate a person, without illusions and vain speculations.
The Kalki avatar announced by the Hindus is the same Maitreya awaited by Buddhists and the returned Christ of Christians, among other prophecies of the world's religions. Thus, both prophecies complement and reinforce each other, especially because, according to Bailey, this process of manifestation of the Hierarchy should be led by Christ. They positively announce the things of the New Age, demanding the active support of humanity for the causes of the Masters who, after all, exist solely and exclusively for and by humanity in this world.
Also check out this Channel's recent video, “The Legend of the Kalki Avatar”.
3. The new Golden Age
The Golden Age is known to be characterized, among other things, by the presence of the Masters on Earth, or more precisely, by humanity's active and explicit relationship with the spiritual Hierarchies. In fact, the presence or recognition of the Hierarchy represents the great reason for the existence of the Golden Age of humanity and the recovery of its best things. As a positive Age is approaching, that of Aquarius, and the Sixth Race has already begun between 2012 and 2025, it is time to start organizing the new Golden Age, and for this the presence of the Masters is fundamental.
Nowadays, we live in a world that is rapidly advancing to face great crises. Human fallibility - which is the sole cause of this situation - represents a condition recognized by all advanced religions and philosophies. It is the “original sin” of the Bible and the hybris always denounced by the Greeks. The cause of this lies in the human spiritual condition itself, which is still precarious and very young in cosmic terms.
So any sensible person should not underestimate the human capacity to produce the most complete chaos and destruction. Therefore the whole idea of the Golden Age is also based directly on the recognition of this fact and on the human renunciation of its full self-determination, in favor of the direct guidance of the Masters, for the sake of the very survival of the species.
And so the Hierarchy then declares that:
“From now on there should be no more intermediaries between Us and the World. Humanity needs to return to direct contact with the Masters in order to know the Truth in its fullness, recovering the perfect knowledge of the Origins. This is fundamental for the survival and future advancement of the human species on Earth.”
If the spirituality of the world were well and satisfactory, the world would also be well and enlightened. Therefore, the authentic Word of the Masters has not been able to reach humanity merely through the filters of their intermediaries, however excellent they may have been.
It turns out that everything is still very outdated and reduced in relation to what is needed today, even in relation to the human past. It is therefore necessary to return to knowing the true light directly at its sources.
For this reason, the Hierarchy decrees, for the good of humanity, that it will no longer accept mediators, since all intermediation is provisional, reductive and imperfect. In this way, all the Teachings transmitted by mediators can be revised, clarified and supplemented. Today, the world asks and demands the return of direct contact with the Masters of Wisdom, so that its Future can then be rescued from the grave dangers that threaten it. Humanity can trust the Masters because God has also entrusted His Mysteries to them, making them His Messengers.
May the world thus return to its luminous Golden Age, under the safe guidance of the Masters of Wisdom.
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